Monday, May 17, 2010

The End of an Era

Almost 16 years ago, a small black and white puppy entered the world. Today, she left it.

She was with us so long that I almost can’t remember life before her. I remember her chewing her way through a baby gate, so that we had to learn about crate training. I remember her mouthiness, so that we had to keep going to obedience classes. I remember her complete unwillingness to learn to come when called – something she refused to learn her whole life.

She was trial by fire – a tough first dog to raise, but one who prepared us to raise all the puppies to come after her. She was the dog who tried everything with me – obedience, tracking, herding, agility. Only agility stuck.

She raised 3 puppies, 3 children, and a cat. She was brash and independent and loving. She stole food, but only when you couldn’t possibly catch her in the act, because she was the smartest dog I have ever known.

That small black and white puppy grew into a beautiful black and white dog with great big cow spots and tiny brown flecks on her legs. A one ear up, one ear down dog with a big flappy tail and a heart bigger than the world. And eventually, an Old Lady with a muzzle more gray than black, a matriarch who ruled the house with an iron fist in a velvet glove.

She was Space Dog, protector and playmate of Universe Man. She was Super Dog, who put up with wearing a cape. She was unique in the universe, and we will never see her like again.


the best black and white dog in the whole world

Thursday, January 21, 2010

10 (of everything!) in 2010

So much going on, so much to say, so many pictures that don't seem to make it off the camera onto the computer.

Alright then, picture-free it is.

I've been thinking about ways to help get me out what sometimes feels like a crafting rut. It might or might not actually be a rut, but it feels like one.

Way back in December, people started talking about a 10 shawls in 2010 project. That sounded interesting, but a little bit too constrained for me. And I've always been an over-achiever, or at least someone who has eyes bigger than my stomach (in this case, metaphorically speaking. I'm not planning to eat any fiber or yarn.)

Alright then. Here's my plan:

10 shawls in 2010
10 sweaters in 2010
10 (pairs of) socks in 2010
10 (pounds of) spun fiber in 2010

I do nothing by halves.

And because I have a teensy weensy itty bitty little problem with longtime UFOs, I added something that doesn't start with S.

10 finished UFOs in 2010.

I set up my own rules, because I don't like to play by anyone else's. Longtime UFOs are ones that I started at least a year before I finish them. UFOs (even those younger than a year) can go into the 10 shawls, sweaters, whatever count.

As of right now, I've finished one shawl, and one sweater that was also a UFO. Oh, and I've spun 5 ounces of fiber.

I've got a ways to go.