Monday, August 20, 2007

All Physics All the Time

It seems like we’re making the transition back to “school brain” because yesterday afternoon, for no apparent reason, the boys suddenly decided to fix one of A’s toys. With a screwdriver. Apparently, they were interested in putting new batteries in the farm, but then they got going and took a fair bit of a it apart before they were discovered. They did put it back together again (without new batteries because we seem to be out), but I’m still wondering where they found the screwdriver. Not that they can’t find them, but was it out within baby reach? I’ll probably never know.

That started a discussion about electrical circuits and wiring and soon we were off to a discussion of what exactly it is that travels along fiber optic cables and somewhere we detoured into a discussion of magnetism. J told the boys that this was all electromagnetism, and B groaned. He hated that chapter of science last year. It was pretty dull in his book – I know, because that’s the chapter we reviewed during the incredible 3+ hours in the ER for a cut-up toe with all 3 kids saga last May. When we told him it was sort of more particle physics he perked right up and has been on an electromagnetism/particle physics kick every since.

E added to the mix this morning by getting into a discussion about whether the universe or a whole bunch of galaxies were bigger and then exactly what a solar system was. He then moved on to the composition of the solar system and which planets were what and then he wanted to know all the moons of Jupiter, which I couldn’t remember. I used my usual line, that we’d look it up, and he’ll probably have forgotten by the next time I could look it up with him.

Life is getting very academic around here, and it seems like the boys are excited to go back to school. I’m excited for them to go, because they like it, and also because the juggling act of 2 full time jobs plus 2 kids at home is a hard one.

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