Wednesday, September 05, 2007

It was awesome

Yesterday was Mr. Personality’s first day of school. His first day in first grade. And if anyone asked him how his day was, he said the same thing. “It was awesome!” I know that he said this because he said it to me, he said it to the Long-Suffering Husband (LSH), and he said it to his aunt.

He reported that he learned lots of things, that it was fun, that there were toys in the morning classroom but none in the afternoon classroom (and no playtime in the afternoon), that he met old friends and new friends, and that one of his new friends tied his shoe for him when it became inexplicably untied. He did not say inexplicably untied. I believe he said something like, “For some reason, my left shoe got untied.” All by itself. It could happen.

Mr. Personality also reported that he saw lots of his friends who are in kindergarten this year while waiting for carpool but that some of his friends are riding the bus. He then instructed me to call several parents “right now” to arrange playdates. This is the kind of thing he does, and this is why he may a) not survive his childhood if he doesn’t learn to stop trying to order the adults in his life around and b) one day rule the world.

After we got home, he took himself upstairs and did his homework. Then he showed me a picture he drew, which was an accurate depiction of the event in question in black marker and pencil. Mind you, I sent him to school with a box of markers (not just black) and a box of crayons, as well as pencils.

So far, so good.

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