Monday, March 30, 2009

Random Things

1. We survived 'Parkle Girl's birthday party. It was a little more exciting than I would have liked because I misremembered what time it started. I was off by half an hour. As in, the first guest arrived and I thought, "gee, they're awfully early." Then the next guest arrived and I figured it out. Fortunately, the kitchen was clean, and the rest of the house was mostly ready, but the food wasn't quite done and I hadn't managed to pick up the lego debris left by the boys. One of the moms we've known for a long time helped with the fruit while I ran around like a crazy person. In spite of all that, I think it went well.

2. Overheard yesterday evening:
'Parkle Girl: Only girls can be doctors
Mr. Personality: No, girls can be doctors and nurse practitioners.
Universe Man: Anybody who wants to can be a doctor. Or a nurse practitioner. Or anything else.
I guess I'm doing a good job, and evidently all the kids' healthcare providers are women.

3. I've found my spinning mojo. I don't know where it was hiding. I think it didn't like the way I was spinning the merino batts.

4. I still don't know where my knitting mojo is. I hope it comes home soon.

5. Now that we've survived the trip to Hawaii and the birthday party, it's time to deal with Pesach. It never stops.

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