Monday, November 23, 2009


I haven't been spinning much lately. Except that I feel like I have. It seems like I spin a little bit all the time. What I haven't been doing, even though I only have one project active on one wheel, is finishing anything.

It seems like a lot of my spinning time has been taken up with fiber processing. Two fleeces washed, into the third, and then I have to pick and card two of them. The third is much cleaner, with long, lovely locks, and I'm planning to spin that one from the lock.

So after taking nearly a month to spin 8 oz of wool as a sport-DKish (still not dry and haven't checked the floof factor yet) 2-ply, I decided I needed a nice, small spinning project for instant gratification.

I decided on 2.6 ounces of lovely, wonderful batts (from Corgi Hill Farm) in "Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang," and started spinning. A very, very fine laceweight singles. Because that should be a nice, small, instant gratification sort of project.

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