Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Brief Shining Moment

For a single, wonderful moment on Sunday afternoon, there were no dirty clothes in the house.

Well, except for the things waiting to be handwashed or drycleaned, and those don't count. At least, not to me. I'm not sure when the last time this happened was. Usually, by the time I get through all of the wash in the sorting basket thing, there's more piled up in the hampers in the bedrooms.

But not on Sunday. Admittedly, there was a load in the dryer, and another load still in the washer, but when I looked into the sorting station, it was empty. Completely, totally, and utterly empty.

It was a beautiful thing. A wonderful moment. (Evidently worthy of noting publicly).

Then I found a dirty sock.

And now there's more laundry to be washed.

But for the moments it lasted, it was wonderful.

(Oh, and I finished Ladybuggy, but I have to get some halfway decent pictures. 'Parkle Girl loves it, even though she can't really fly when she wears it.)

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