Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Musical Chairs

Whatever it is that's making the rounds (is it the flu? is it a cold? it is something else? everyone here seems to want to call it "a flu-like illness) has landed here. Quite firmly.

On Saturday morning, Mr. Personality woke up with a fever. His fevers are not for the faint of heart, and while they're normal for him, I've been known to use the number for the shock factor when I'm feeling that the pediatrician isn't taking me seriously enough. The poor guy missed his best friend's birthday part on Sunday. There was a moon bounce. He was devastated.

He stayed home from school on Monday, but it was very clear that he was on the mend. The first clue: he tried to negotiate with me about working on his social studies report. I turned the TV off until it was done. The TV never went back on.

Monday night, 'ParkleGirl woke up at about 3:30 and announced that she needed to sleep in my bed, and oh, by the way she needed a drink too. I felt her forehead, and didn't bother to get the thermometer. I knew she'd be home with me on Tuesday.

I've had the pleasure of her company yesterday and today, and will again tomorrow. She's been mostly cooperative about letting me work and not so sick that I couldn't run the really vital errands (groceries anyone?), but it's hard to get too much writing done when I've got her help.

I'm ready for the sick season to end, and it's only October. I think it's going to be a long year.

On the plus side this week, I have..... qivuit.

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