Monday, October 19, 2009

Rhinebeck, No

For the last several years (3 or 4 now I think), I've been trying to make it to Rhinebeck. Every year something comes up that absolutely prevents me from going. One year it was an LSH business trip and bad weather on the way back that delayed him overnight, another year it was me recovering from surgery. It's always something. I don't have this trouble with Maryland Sheep and Wool -- that I've made it to for 6 or 7 years running now.

Things were really up in the air until about 2 weeks before the festival. Then everything finally came together, and it seemed like it would really happen. I didn't take on a writing assignment that would have had me working over the weekend so as to be able to go, and I was all set.

Then it started to unravel. LSH needed to go deal with a family emergency. Not the drop everything and run because the world is ending kind of emergency, but the kind you need to go take care of without delay. I put him on a plane and figured that Rhinebeck was history. He didn't like that answer, and was, I think, more committed to me going to Rhinebeck than I was.

He thought he'd come home Thursday. Nope. He made a flight reservation for Friday, giving himself enough time to take care of the last few things and still make it home in time. Sometime Friday morning, it came undone. The flight came and went without him on it, and there went my plans for Rhinebeck. I was very, very disappointed.

I have to say though, that I got a lot of things done over the weekend. I dragged out my sewing machine for the first time since.... well, I'm not sure when, but the well pump went out in July and I didn't realize that I had no water for my iron until I went to use it to sew (no, I don't iron much), so it's clearly been a while. I made 'Parkle Girl the very 'parkly skirt that I had promised her for the beginning of school. I finished up a couple of muslin sandwhich bags for Universe Man. I even cut the pieces for a winter dress for 'Parkle Girl. I managed to get LSH to replace a light fixture -- only one to go, and it's only been waiting since August. The kids had fun. It was, all things considered, a pretty good weekend.

Just not at Rhinebeck. I think the universe doesn't want me to go to Rhinebeck. I wonder why.


Alison said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your thwarted plans and boy have I been there—am there—oh well :) Sounds like you made the most of it, are SuperM indeed!

Alison said...

Hi there Super M,

I just emailed you a copy of the Going Batty pattern. I didn't have a copy of your email address, so I sent it through your comment on my blog. Could you let me know if you received it and if you didn't, could you email me your email address. Thanks!...Alison